
Found 12 search results for: households

Grzegorz W. Kołodko (2021/5, Articles, p. 577)

Shortageflation 3.0. War Economy – State Capitalism – Pandemic Crisis

The crisis caused by the pandemic has induced governments and central banks to undertake non-orthodox actions aimed at the protection of people’s living standards and the maintenance of production and service activities of enterprises. The policy of the aggressive rise in money supply has resulted in a considerable increase in budget deficits and foreign debts. In this context, it is (...)

Jacek Jankiewicz, Przemysław Garsztka (2019/4, Articles, p. 432)

Unemployment and Time Spent in Household Production

In recent decades, great interest has arisen in the scientific community about better understanding and measuring of people’s well-being. It is widely recognized that an exclusive concern with production and consumption, as measured in national accounts such as GDP, is an insufficient strategy and should not be the only source for guiding policy makers. This paper deals with nonmarket (...)

Ewa Aksman (2017/2, Articles, p. 145)

Inequality of Pre-fiscal and Post-fiscal Income Distribution in European Countries

The paper aims at assessing inequality of distribution of pre-fiscal income in European countries and capturing the statistical link between the pre-fiscal and post-fiscal income inequality, namely identifying redistributive effect of social transfers and income tax. All EU member states, along with Iceland, Norway and Switzerland in 2004–2014, are covered by the study. Unit data required (...)

Christoph Sowada (2016/4, Miscellanea, p. 567)

Health Insurance Based on Payroll Tax and the Solidarity Principle: Assumptions and Experience

In the health care model prevailing in Poland and Germany, the health insurance fee, withdrawn as percent of the income earned (payroll tax), is treated as the basic tool for the implementation of the principle of social solidarity in the health domain. In practice, the use of this instrument does not guarantee equal access of all the citizens to public health services, nor does it divide (...)

Tomasz Panek, Jan Zwierzchowski (2016/2, Articles, p. 180)

Poverty in the EU Countries

In 2010, the European Council determined 5 major aims of the strategy ‘Europe 2020’. One of those aims concerned the promotion of social integration, notably by reducing the extent of poverty. The authors of the paper propose a method of measuring the poverty which could help to identify the EU countries having the biggest numbers of the poor and which should receive the biggest financial (...)

Beata Kasprzyk (2016/2, Miscellanea, p. 233)

Subjective Assessments of Economic Well-being in households in the Light of Discrimination Modelling.

The main aim of the paper was to construct and test a discrimination model as a tool helpful in the empirical analysis of economic well-being, as regards subjective assessments of the financial status and budget management in households. The author has developed and estimated a discrimination model (based on 2012 survey data from a South-Eastern region of Poland), which evidences signifi (...)

Wojciech Hardy (2015/5, Miscellanea, p. 707)

Length of the Questionnaire and the Precision of Response to Quantitative Questions in Surveys

The features of the questionnaire, such as its length, difficulty, or subjectively perceived curiosity, have a direct effect on the quality of survey data received. The author analyses the relationship between the length of the questionnaire and the precision of quantitative data obtained in a survey, using survey data on wage income distribution in the Polish households, collected by the (...)

Barbara Liberda (2015/4, Articles, p. 437)

Macroeconomic Savings in Poland

This paper examines trends and structural changes of macroeconomic savings in Poland in the period between 1996 and 2012, showing the rising share of nonfi nancial corporate sector savings in domestic savings and the declining share of macro households savings. The author analyzes the determinants of nonfi nancial corporate sector savings and households savings. A puzzle of diverging trends (...)

Witold Małecki (2014/4, Articles, p. 467)

Changes in the Banking Sector and Their Consequences

Banks have played a major and not exactly honourable role in the global economic and financial crisis. Not only were banks one of the sources of this crisis but they also contributed to the diffusion of impulses for the crisis. The paper presents the evolution that banks have undergone in the last 30-40 years. The simple traditional model consisting in banks using deposits placed by (...)

Leszek Morawski, Michał Myck (2011/6, Articles, p. 815)

Distributional Effects of the Child Tax Credit in Poland and Its Potential Reforms

distributional implications from the original policy proposals. While initially designed as an instrument addressed to low income working families, the tax credit was implemented without any upper earnings limit, and its generosity was substantially extended in 2007 implying an annual budgetary cost of about 0.5% of the GDP. The current design of the credit grants largest income gains in (...)

Marcin Krawczyk (2009/5, Articles, p. 559)

Budget deficit and economic activity

In economic theory the budget deficit policy is a controversial issue and economists dispute over its potency to stimulate the economy.
In the case of deficit which results from increased budgetary expenditure the discussion concentrates on such issues as how lasting are the changes in employment, output and prices caused by deficit spending and to what extent the crowding-out effect would (...)

Tomasz Zalega (2008/6, Articles, p. 747)

Households Earning Uncertain Incomes in the Light of Consumption Theories

Consumption in households that earn uncertain incomes, seen in the light of traditional and contemporary, strictly economic consumption theories is presented in the article. Empirical models that belong to the domain of consumer behavior studies were not included. Empirical data on 2000–2006 were supplied by Poland’s Statistical Office and describe consumption in households comprising (...)
